Do we finally know something?
Like a grudge that’s being held by Arya Stark or Walder Frey, Game of Thrones fans just can’t let things go.
As always, we are blaring the spoiler alert klaxon so loudly that everyone in the realm should hear it.
Jon Snow. Is he alive, yes or no? That’s the question that all Game of Thrones fans have been asking since the show ended, well that and what the hell type of experiments did Qyburn do with The Mountain?
Filming is set to begin very shortly on Season 6 and as always the producers have been busy finding new locations to match the epic scale of the books. Castillo de Zafra in Spain is just one of the new places that they’re filming in but why does this matter?
Well, the physical resemblance of this location bears an uncanny similarity to a pivotal moment from the books, Ned Stark at the Tower of Joy.
Again, spoiler alert for those who haven’t read ‘A Song of Fire and Ice’ and don’t want to know anything.
The Tower of Joy is where Ned Stark found his sister Lyanna, lying in a pool of her own blood and close to death. The common consensus in the TV shows is that she was murdered but it’s widely speculated that she died during child birth.
Fans strongly feel that Lyanna’s final act was to entrust her brother with the care of this newborn child, a certain Jon Snow.
If this is indeed true, it would give weight to the widely held “R+L=J” theory which states that Jon Snow is in fact the son of Lyanna Stark and the Targaryen Prince Rhaegar Targareyn.
Obviously since Robert Baratheon wanted to wipe out all the Targaryen lineage, Ned had to protect the identity of Jon.
This would also make the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch the legitimate heir to the Iron Throne and the living embodiment of ‘A Song of Fire and Ice’. If this is true, then his parentage will finally be addressed via flashbacks I’d imagine.
Again, this is all speculation but there’s no denying that the new location bears an uncanny resemblance to the artistic representation of the Tower of Joy from the books.
A word of warning, this could also be used as a location in Dorne or perhaps Casterly Rock but it’s incredibly interesting.
Images via – A Song of Fire and Ice Wiki and Wikipedia.