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10th Aug 2020

QUIZ: Name the PlayStation 3 game from just a screenshot

Wayne Farry

We all love video games, don’t we?

Well, no actually. That isn’t true. But lots of people do love them. And those that love them make up for the lack of love from others. What I’m trying to say here in an extremely roundabout way is that video games are very popular.

For those who played (or continue to play) them, they are often so ingrained in our childhood memories that we cannot separate a period of time or an era from the game we were playing then.

Whether it was learning how to jump on Super Mario with your older siblings, or having enormous Pro Evo competitions with your mates at uni, video games leave a mark.

With that in mind, we’ve put together 12 PlayStation 3 games and are going to ask you to identify them from only their screenshots. It’s multiple choice, so you have three options for each, but it does get trickier as it goes on. Good luck.

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Name the PS3 game from the screenshot I got %%score%% of %%total%% right