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22nd Oct 2021

Real life Squid Game coming to UK and you have to sign a ‘medical disclosure’ to play

Simon Bland

Would you enter?

People really can’t get enough of Squid Game. Netflix’s Korean-language mega-hit broke records shortly after it landed on the streaming giant in late September, going on to become the platform’s most popular show ever.

If you’re among the few that still haven’t watched it, Squid Game follows a group of skint gamblers who are invited into a mysterious elimination tournament where completing children’s playground games could win them a big money prize. The catch? If you loose, you’re killed – usually in a bloody and unceremonious way.

Now those who just can’t get enough of the show can play it for real in a new immersive gaming experience that’s due to take place in the UK.

Don’t worry though, there’s no real risk of danger – although players will be required to sign a medical disclosure form before entering, as some of the real-life games will test your temperament and physical limits.

Competing for a £500 cash prize ($690) – a far cry from the lofty amount that was up for grabs on the actual show – ‘Squid Game Live’ from Universal Ents will pit 40 contestants against five rounds of tricky challenges – some of which will be inspired by the show.

Looks like all those cookie TikTok challenges might come in useful after all.

After being picked up by coach at an as-yet-undisclosed North West location, they’ll then be taken to a mystery spot where the games will commence – just like the show itself. Upon arrival, players will be met by live actors wearing the familiar faceless costumes worn by Squid Game‘s emotionless game wardens before being given their own uniform and being fed a pre-challenge meal.

“We want to make sure our experiences are safe, but still as riveting as the games seen on the Netflix smash Squid Game, but due to the violent nature of the hit show, we want to be cautious that the events don’t attract unstable people,” explained Universal Ents Creative Director Max Fox.

“This is a pain-free experience. There will be no paintballs, guns or otherwise, but don’t be afraid of getting wet.

“We want to make the games as realistic as possible, without the risk of injury. Some of our games you won’t have seen before, but there needs to be an element of surprise and mystery so people really don’t know what they’re letting themselves in for.”

The first round of ‘Squid Game Live’ will kick off on November 27. You can find out more – and enter for a £45 fee – by visiting the event’s website.

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