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27th Oct 2021

Rust Shooting: District attorney says it’s ‘too early’ for charges

Kieran Galpin

Officials confirmed that all involved are cooperating

Investigators have announced their first official findings into the death of cinematographer, Halyna Hutchins, 42, on the set of Rust on October 22.

Speaking at a press conference, District Attorney Mary Carmack-Altwies and County Sheriff Adan Mendoza have confirmed it is “too early” to talk about charges for the shooting.

Appearing in front of the Sante Fe Sheriff’s department, Sheriff Mendoza said that over 600 pieces of evidence were obtained, including three firearms, articles of clothing, and 500 rounds of ammunition that included dummy rounds, blanks and suspected live rounds.

The exact number of live rounds found on the set of Rust has not yet been revealed.

“We’re going to determine how they got there because they shouldn’t have been there,” Mendoza told reporters.

Both Mendoza and Carmack-Altwies said that although criminal charges were possible, more information is required.

“All options are on the table,” said the DA, adding that “No one has been ruled out”.

“It’s probably weeks, if not months, of follow-up investigation that we’re going to need to get to the point of charging,” she confirmed.

The District Attorney also clarified that it was not a ‘prop gun’ as reports suggested, but instead an “antique-era appropriate gun”.

All evidence, included the identified live round responsible, are being sent to the FBI for further testing.

This news comes amid demands from the family of the late cinematographer.

Speaking with the Mail Online, Matthew Hutchins says Baldwin is ‘very supportive’.

“At this time, I still have not had an opportunity to prepare a statement, which I am planning to release,” he said.

“My intent is to, you know, put into words some of the things about her life and the situation which are I think most important. I plan to post that onto my Twitter as soon as I have an opportunity later today.

“There’s obviously a lot to deal with whenever there’s any death in the family,’ he continued. ‘We’re moving around to address all the things we need to do on the ground. There’s a lot of phone calls and messages.”

He continued: “One thing we’re trying to do is to set up a memorial with AFI, the American Film institute,’ he said. ‘And that is in process, and there will be more details in the statement.”

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