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22nd Jul 2022

Ryan Gosling reveals the most dangerous stunt performed in The Gray Man

Rory Cashin

“You always have to be suspicious for what they leave for the end of shooting…”

It is kind of weird to realise, but Ryan Gosling hasn’t really done an action movie.

As he puts it himself, he’s done some movies with some action in them, but even he wouldn’t qualify them as action movies.

The likes of Drive, The Nice Guys, Blade Runner 2049 and Gangster Squad were likely all good preparation for his new movie, The Gray Man, which we calledJohn Wick on a James Bond budget”.

In the run-up to the movie’s release, JOE was lucky enough to chat to Gosling himself about his role in the new blockbuster, and you can check out that interview in full right here:

Over the course of the chat, which ranged from his own favourite Friday night movies, to exciting upcoming outfits in Barbie, we asked about the biggest (and, arguably, most dangerous) stunt in The Gray Man.

Gosling told us:

“They were all challenging in their own way. The last thing we shot – which you always have to be suspicious for what they leave for the end of shooting – was probably the craziest, which was the running along the top of this train and all of the train cars are falling out from beneath me.

“And I did think, when it was happening, this is exactly what this movie has felt like, the whole time. Just set-piece after set-piece, action sequence after action sequence, just barely getting out of it unscathed.”

Gosling also talks about a specific advisor that he had with him all the way through the shoot:

“He was incredible, ex-Delta Force. He was kind of a real Gray Man. And he was with me every day on set, training me on the job. He had amazing ideas that were not in the script that I think gave the film a special sauce. It was his idea to always have Skittles, because they are a great source of energy. Or tie your shoelace to the door if you’re going to go asleep, that way you’ll know if someone is coming in.

“All these things, they make sense, but you only learn on the job and he was gracious enough to share those things with me. He was like ‘I always had Skittles in the field. They don’t go bad. Good source of energy, you need it. Sometimes you’re about to about go in and its about go down? Skittles.”

The Gray Man is available to watch in the cinema right now and on Netflix from Friday, July 22.

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