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24th Nov 2021

Santa gets a boyfriend in tearjerking new Christmas ad

Danny Jones

‘When Harry met Santa’

It would seem that whilst we’re all discussing which Christmas advert is our favourite this year – Aldi, John Lewis, Disney‘s and so on – Norweigan TV might have just crept it with the best yet.

Posten is Norway’s national postage service and this year, they’ve marked the holiday season with an emotional take on Santa Claus and those that wait up to try and catch a glimpse of him – only this time, the one waiting isn’t a young child who can’t sleep.

‘When Harry met Santa’ (a slight twist on the classic rom-com) is the story of a man who waits 364 days every year for just one night with his special someone: that special someone just happens to be Father Christmas.

Watch here as Santa gets a boyfriend:

A truly tear-jerking love story like no other; as the advert concludes, “In 2022, Norway marks 50 years of being able to love whoever we want” – i.e. 50 years since homosexuality was decriminalised.

In this TV spot, Norway celebrates having progressed and simply realising that everyone is different and we love who we love. It’s about to be 2022 – that’s a sentiment we should all be behind by now.

The postal service’s marketing director, Monica Solberg, told LGBTQ Nation: “Posten is an inclusive workplace with great diversity, and we would like to celebrate the 50th anniversary with this fine love story.

“In last year’s campaign, Santa was angry at Norway Post, which took away from him the ‘business’ – this year, Santa is happy that Norway Post can relieve him a little, so that he can be with the one he loves.”

You love to see it. Not only do we hope you get to spend as much time with your loved ones this year as possible, but we hope you don’t have to wait a full year till the next time like Harry.

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