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17th Oct 2024

Scariest horror ever according to science is leaving Netflix viewers terrified

Joseph Loftus

That’s tonight’s watch sorted

That’s right folks – the scariest movie ever made has been declared according to science. And even better, you can stream it on Netflix.

A scientific study determined 2012’s classic scary movie, Sinister, to be the most bone-chilling of all time.

While for many, scary is a subjective matter, a scientific study by broadbandchoices determined that there is no scarier movie than Sinister.

The creator of the study, Daniel Clifford, said: “With more people than ever facing a Halloween at home, our Science of Scare study was designed to help people find the most scientifically scary films ever made, to save them the time of searching through thousands of titles across streaming services like Amazon, Netflix, and Shudder.”

The study measured the resting heart rates of 50 individuals of varying ages while they watched over 100 hours of scary movies.

After studying their rates as they watched a list of the 35 scariest films, Sinister came out on top.

The average resting heart rate of the individuals was 65 beats per minutes however during Sinister, that jumped to a whopping 86bpm.

And the good news for you my friends? It’s on Netflix now.

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