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02nd Oct 2016

Some people think they saw Simon Cowell’s penis on The X Factor

You can't unsee it

Rebecca Keane

Sure what else would you be doing on a Sunday evening?

Simon Cowell is never far from controversy with last night’s episode leaving many fans criticising him for body shaming a 17-year-old.

It’s Judges’ Houses week on the talent show – Louis Walsh is got a lot of abuse too over his decisions – and one of those hoping to make it through to the live shows was 17-year-old Samantha Lavery.

Simon described wild card Samantha as “distant” to guest judges Emma Bunton and Mel B as the young girl arrived to perform.

“Samantha I wish we had met without what you think is your pop star image,” he tells her. “With you I think we’ve had a bit of a mask put up. I’d almost like to see you without so much make-up.”

On the same episode, one eagle-eyed viewer captured one still from the episode which leaves Simon looking a little bare.

The British pop mogul is seen sitting with Emma Bunton and Mel B, deciding on who to send through, but the emergence of what looks like his little friend has left TV viewers giggling away.

People couldn’t deal with the possibility of seeing Little Simon on the reality show.

Simon has yet to comment on the matter but if it was his penis on show, I’d imagine he’d want to keep quiet.