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22nd May 2019

Sophie Turner blasts those signing petition to remake ending to Game of Thrones

Rudi Kinsella

The Queen in the North is not one bit pleased with the petition to remake Season 8 of Game of Thrones

In excess of a million have signed a petition to sign a petition to have the final season of Game of Thrones rewritten. The bio of the petition states that “this series deserves a final season that makes sense.”

And the actress who plays Sansa Stark in the series has now hit out at those who signed the petition, describing it as “disrespectful”.

In an interview with The New York Times, Sophie Turner said: “All of these petitions and things like that — I think it’s disrespectful to the crew, and the writers, and the filmmakers who have worked tirelessly over 10 years, and for 11 months shooting the last season. Like 50-something night shoots.

“So many people worked so, so hard on it, and for people to just rubbish it because it’s not what they want to see is just disrespectful.”

Turner isn’t the first member of the GoT cast to criticise those behind the petition either.

Jacob Anderson, who plays Grey Worm in the show, said: “I think it’s rude.  Obviously, the show feels to people like it belongs to them. That’s really good – I think it’s really important when people take something into their heart and it means something to them.

“However, it doesn’t. I just mean that in the sense that I was there and the crew, in particular, are like the hardest working people I’ve ever met. I think to trivialise their work in that way – I find it quite sad.”