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04th May 2015

Star Wars Episode VIII comes to the UK, according to George Osborne…

As *if* George Osborne knows where the Storm Trooper emoji is...


You might think he has better things to be doing right now, but George Osborne has announced on Twitter that the next Star Wars movie will be shot at UK studios Pinewood.

We’re still scratching our heads at this one…

It’s barely news, to be honest, after filming was confirmed back in bloody November, but Osborne clearly wants to give it his official seal of approval.

The Chancellor (or should that just be ‘Chancer’?) jumped on the ‘May the Fourth be with you’ bandwagon to reveal his love for Star Wars and even show he’s down with the kids by using a Stormtrooper emoji…

Anyway, at least it’s an excuse to watch the trailer for Episode VII again…