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29th Mar 2016

Study confirms reality TV fans are likely to be narcissists​

Jordan Gold

Surprise, surprise – people who think watching Kim Kardashian’s life play out in painstaking detail on reality television are more likely to be self-obsessed.

According to a new study released this week in the Psychology of Popular Media Culture, reality TV is likely to be making you an entitled narcissist.

After asking 565 university-age students about their viewing habits and their sense of self worth, researchers at Ohio State University claim to have discovered a direct link between the reality TV genre and having your head firmly wedged up your own a*se.

Back in 2013, a similar study from the American Psychiatric Association purported to show a link between watching reality TV and arrogant personality types, a lack of empathy, and a tendency to exploit others. TV viewership alone was not the sole contributing factor in an increase of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Certain shows, however – those deemed to be more “voyeuristic or skill-based” – were responsible for inducing narcissism.


Fans,Reality TV