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11th May 2016

Marvel superhero action scenes without CGI are hilariously awkward

Not as impressive.

Carl Anka

People often decry superhero films as being loaded with CGI and explosions, but when you strip it all away…

Well, it’s still something rather fun to watch.

This week’s hump day treat is brought to you by one intrepid Redditor who found raw footage of actors jumping in Marvel superhero movies before all the computer chicanery gets added in.

It is wonderfully bizarre. Particularly when you look at how odd Benedict Cumberbatch looks with his leap in Doctor Strange.

Captain America: Civil War fans can also get a glimpse at the pre-CGI shenanigans in this excellent behind-the-scenes video of the making of the movie.

Suddenly that scene where Captain America holds a helicopter (it was in the trailer so it’s not a spoiler)  looks a lot more normal.

Could we pull that off? No, of course not, Chris Evans looks like he was carved from marble and we had Jaffa Cakes for breakfast, but still, it all looks vaguely achievable.

(Mild spoiler warning for Captain America: Civil War. Although if you haven’t watched it by now, we advise you to sort that out sharpish.)