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10th Sep 2021

Skins’ Kathryn Prescott in critical condition after being hit by truck

Danny Jones

The former Skins star was hospitalised after being hit by a cement truck

Kathyrn Prescott, known for her roles in E4’s hit teen drama, Skins is in a critical condition after reportedly being hit by a cement truck.

The accident took place in New York on Tuesday and left the 30-year-old in intensive care with a number of serious injuries. Prescott moved to America for other acting roles.

Her sister, Megan, who played the other half of the ‘Skins twins’ before moving more towards bodybuilding, posted the news on her Instagram page.

Megan explained her twin sister underwent “complex surgery” after multiple injuries, including having “broken pelvis in two places, both of her legs, her foot and her left hand”.

Due to current travel restrictions that ban UK and other non-US citizens from entering the country, Megan cannot be with her sister. An application for a special exemption was denied by the US embassy.

Skins twins Kathryn and Megan Prescott

Megan went on to say: “I am double vaccinated, I had a PCR test yesterday and can fly at the drop of a hat. I have documents from the hospital confirming the extent of Kathryn’s injuries and am willing to do anything to get to her as soon as humanly possible.”

She noted how her twin sister is “incredibly lucky to be alive” but, naturally, insisted that she needs to be there to “help her with literally everything as she will be able to do incredibly little by herself. She will be in rehab for a very long time and will need 24/hr care even after she leaves the hospital.”

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