Some men want to watch the world burn. Others just want to show off how much they know about Batman.
There have now been eleven different Batman movies that have been released in cinemas, along with a handful of others that he’s made an appearance in. Plus some of his villains have had their own movies as well.
That is a lot of Batman films.
Have you seen them all? Can you even name them all? Do you consider a Bat-expert?
We have a quiz here that is not for Bat-beginners. It is a difficult quiz. We’re sure some nerds will claim it is not difficult enough, in which case, let us know and we’ll make one that’s even harder.
And if you want to prove your all-encompassing knowledge about other super-hero films, why not give these a try:
The Hardest Marvel Cinematic Universe Quiz You Will Ever Take
Is This A Marvel Character, Or A DC Character?
The Hardest Spider-Man Movie Quiz You Will Ever Take



















