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09th Oct 2017

The new Star Wars trailer drops today, but even the director says you shouldn’t watch it

The force is strong with you if you manage to not watch the new trailer...

Rory Cashin

In case you didn’t know, there is another Star Wars movie arriving in cinemas soon.

We know, we’re as surprised as you are, because quite frankly, the promotional push behind it has been a little on the quiet side.

Maybe they’ve learned their lesson from Rogue One, which seemed to feature a new poster, teaser, trailer, teaser for the trailer, and every other iteration of teaser and trailer for the seemingly endless weeks and months of promotional campaigning leading up to that movie’s release.

Maybe Disney and LucasFilm are trying out the “Less Is More” approach this time around, after the dip in box from The Force Awakens ($2.066 billion) to Rogue One ($1.056 billion).

And now, with The Last Jedi arriving in cinemas in just two months, all we’ve had so far is a single trailer, which was released all the way back in April.

Now we know that there is a new trailer dropping sometime today – Mark Hamill tweeted a few weeks back that folks in America should definitely tune into Monday Night Football on October 9 for “no reason in particular” – but the movie’s director Rian Johnson has come right out and said that fans of the Star Wars universe should pretty much try to avoid this new trailer at all costs.


Do you reckon there’s a single Star Wars fan out there who can resist the siren call of watching this trailer when it goes live today?

Be sure to keep an eye on JOE because we’ll be posting the trailer just as soon as we get our hands on it, too.

Otherwise, you’ll have to wait until December 15 to see Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi if you do decide to go in clean.