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20th Oct 2019

Furst Dates: Going speed dating with dogs

Wayne Farry

Dating in this modern world is difficult

Modern dating is a minefield. Are they too high maintenance? Do they love food as much as you? Will your family like them? How do you know if you could live with them long-term?

The dates in question do not have single malevolent bone in their body – but the relationship could still turn rocky if they’re not a perfect match. We are of course talking about dog dating – and we sent this man to do it.

While no doubt fun, it can be just as heart-wrenching and rejection-filled as dating a human person when the breed isn’t right for you – as our man Kyle found out.

Whilst it just wasn’t meant to be with Boris the Lhasa Apso, Tok the Border Collie or Pepper the Jack Russell – he’s not given up hope just yet, and will keep on searching until he finds ‘the one’.

It’s not uncommon for people to take on a dog without researching the needs of the breed. Sadly this results in hundreds of dogs being given up for rehoming each year.

Animal charity Blue Cross want potential pup owners – like Kyle – to get up to speed on the rewards and realities of owning a dog before welcoming one into their home.

Visit their Pet Advice page to find your perfect match