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17th Dec 2015

Tom Hardy may be one of the toughest actors around but look what he’s scared of….


Tom Hardy clearly wasn’t a fan of Black Beauty or Mister Ed.

The actor had to overcome an innate fear of horses on his latest film The Revenant by learning to ride, although he wouldn’t refer to himself as a fully fledged rider.

“I don’t like horses. They scare me. There’s not a call for it in London – not since the 1800s. We are used to getting on the bus or the tube. I prefer dogs; they are a bit more manageable,” he told Variety.


“I think horses are beautiful, but I didn’t know any growing up. It’s quite alien. They are so big and muscular. If they sat on me or kicked me, that would be it – wouldn’t it?

“You always hear about people walking around the back of a horse and getting kicked. I always think if anyone is going to get kicked by a horse walking around the back of it, it’s most likely going to be me.”