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30th Aug 2017

TV regulator gets 132 viewer complaints over recent Corrie scene

The scene angered a lot of people

Anna O'Rourke

One scene from a recent episode of Coronation Street appears to have upset a lot of viewers.

Last month, we saw Steve and Leanne get together briefly but one very random thing they did was what caused the controversy.

In one scene, the couple were shown attempting to get baby Olly to sleep using the self-soothe method.

Also known as ‘controlled crying’, parents using the technique whereby parents are encouraged to resist the urge to comfort a crying baby at night which hopefully results in the infant training him/herself to get to sleep on their own.

It’s a divisive method that many parents argue over and the sound of Olly crying from upstairs was enough to anger a lot of people.

UK broadcast regulator Ofcom received 132 complaints from viewers, but in a statement, it said it would not be investigating the matter further:

“We considered complaints that this episode promoted ‘controlled crying’, a parenting method which attracts strong views,” Ofcom said in a statement via The Daily Express.

“We found the plot centred around the relationship between two characters, and did not promote a view on whether controlled crying is appropriate or effective.”