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25th Nov 2016

Watch this 90-second supercut of Danny Dyer on ‘Who Do You Think You Are?’

Another great Danny Dyer supercut.

Tony Cuddihy

We’ve got to be honest, Danny Dyer is really growing on us.

It used to be that some folks stand the sight of Danny Dyer, with his Cockney wide boy swagger, overuse of words like ‘nawty,’ ‘pwopah’ and ‘geezah,’ and the fact that he was mates with Tim Lovejoy.

Now we’ll openly admit to loving him for the exact same reasons (apart from the Lovejoy bit), and it’s mostly down to these supercuts of his TV appearances.

We dare you not to watch this supercut of his Real Football Factories appearances at least seven times. And then seven times more. The same goes for the best bits from his Football Foul-Ups compilations, but the ‘EastEnders’ actor has more strings to his bow. And we’re not just talking about his star turn as Maverick from Top Gun.

Now we have his appearance on ‘Who Do You Think You Are?’ – the show where he discovered that he might just be related to royalty, as strange as that may seem. Oh, and that he might be related to Thomas Cromwell – Dyer is a very well-connected man, it seems.

He’s in slightly more reflective mood here, which can only be a good thing; we’re happiest when he’s not givingitaloadoftha’.