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06th Nov 2015

Were you lucky enough to get a ticket for The Stone Roses? Fans celebrate and commiserate…

When life gives you lemons...

Lia Nicholls

It’s the same scenario when Glastonbury tickets go on sale; laptop open, nervously sipping coffee, checking the wifi signal, checking it again, tabs to all ticket sites open, check signal again, a What’s App ticket group pings, ‘If you get through, get me two, no f*ck it, get me four!’

We were all there poised and ready to empty our bank accounts into the pockets of ticket sites for one of The Stone Roses gigs next year. We all wanted to punch this page…

But were you triumphant and are now broke? Or have you missed out and silently sobbing/hoping for another wave?

Tickets sold out in 10 seconds leaving thousands disappointed and touts are already trying to take full advantage of us poor sods offering tickets up to £800 each. Fool’s gold indeed.

There was a glimmer of hope when the band piped up from under their bucket hats announcing two additional gigs on June 15 and 19, alongside the original shows on June 17 and 18.

The band – which includes Ian Brown, John Squire, Mani and Reni – announced on Twitter;

For some, missing out first time round wasn’t an option

Then there’s the smug

And the ugly

The childlike joy

Even the famous had to scramble…