Is the whole beard thing now officially over?
Will blokes henceforth be shaving thick layers of fuzz off their faces in droves?
If anything is a sign of things to come, then former One Direction Zayn Malik shearing his beard off to reveal his boyish good looks once again might be it.
The ex-boyband member has almost become known for his resplendent facial hair in its many incarnations and lengths.
The Colin Farrell…
The George Michael…
The David Blaine…
But Zayn has finally gone and parted company with (almost) every last bit of hair and stubble on his chin (yes, he’s missed a wee bit) and he looks like a completely different bloke.
The photo he posted on Instagram to show his newly denuded face clocked up a crazy 1.6m likes.
But after shaving he looks less like Farrell and more like a young Robert Pires with the little thicket of hair left under his bottom lip.
We guarantee the soul patch he is now rocking on his largely-naked face will become the de rigeur facial hair for any self respecting chap in winter.
It will no doubt be music to the ears of razor blade makers the world over after years of being sat twiddling their thumbs as men let their beards grow wild and free. The beard transplant market (yes that’s a real thing you can have) will be on its arse before Christmas though.
Needless to say fans were taken aback by Zayns transformation…
Zayn is the most versatile gem ever: beard, stubble, clean shaven, bald, pink hair, green hair, blond, glasses HE LOOKS GOOD WHATEVER
— benjamin dean (@NotAgainBen) September 13, 2016
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