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03rd Nov 2021

Boris Johnson speechless after confrontation about sitting maskless next to David Attenborough

Kieran Galpin

Johnson looks stunned

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has responded in-sorts to the immense criticism he received for not wearing a mask while sitting next to 95-year-old David Attenborough whilst at COP26 in Glasgow.

Photos emerged of the PM on Monday (November 1) that appeared to show him literally sleeping on the job. Though Downing Street has denied the claims, people were quick to question why Johnson was not wearing a mask while everyone around him was.

Christiane Amanpour from CNN quizzed Johnson on why he wasn’t wearing a mask while so close to a “national treasure”.

“Do you want to answer what’s going on around social media?” she asked.

Amanpour asked the question numerous times as the PM appeared bewildered, looking from side to side before stuttering briefly.

“It’s all over the place,” she confirmed.

Johnson finally replied, his face still paralysed in disbelief: “I’ve been wearing a mask in confined spaces with people that I don’t normally meet and I think it’s up to people to make a judgment on whether they’re at a reasonable distance from someone and whether they’re with someone they don’t normally meet.

“That’s the approach we take.”

Let’s just say the internet wasn’t too pleased with Johnson’s reply, with one user outright calling him an “inconsiderate t***er”.

This is but one of many instances where Tory MPs have been pictured not wearing a mask. Last month, senior Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg said Conservative MPs do not need to wear face masks in the Commons chamber because they know each other and have a “convivial fraternal spirit”.

Not 24 hours before Rees-Mogg’s statement, Health Secretary Sajid Javid said that government officials should be setting an example for the general public.

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