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20th Sep 2021

One in three Brits now drink plant-based milk

Kieran Galpin

MOO-ve over Cow milk

Rather than drinking cow’s milk which has been standard in the west for centuries, one in three Brits are now opting for plant-based options like oat, almond and soya.

Data from market research firm Mintel shows the number of people drinking plant-based milk has risen from 25 per cent to 32 per cent between 2019 and 2020.

The study also shows that a whopping 44 per cent of 25-44-year-olds opt for plant-based milk options. The data suggests that the younger you are, the more likely you are to opt for plant milk in your cuppa.

There’s reason to suggest that part of this increase could be down to environmental factors, as half of adults agree that milk choices have an effect on the environment. But strangely, 38 per cent of under-35s believe that the pandemic has made vegan food more attractive to them.

“The plant-based trend continues to gain momentum in the UK,” says Amy Price, Senior Food and Drink Analyst at Mintel. She continues to say that this increase is in part due to environmental and health considerations.

“Oat milk was the main beneficiary of the accelerated demand in plant-based milk during 2020, overtaking almond milk as the top-selling plant-based milk.”

Price continues to say that although almost 90 per cent of Brits still use cows milk, the uptake and increase of plant options among young people could mean we see a dramatic increase over time.

The study also found that the usage of clotted cream doubled over the last 12 months, which Mintel attributes to Brits holidaying within the country in areas like Devon and Cornwall.

“Clotted cream has benefited from Brits spending more time in the home, including enjoying more afternoon teas and the rise in cooking and baking,” said Price.

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