Adam Bishop is Britain’s Strongest Man
He is capable of pressing and deadlifting a ridiculous amount of weight. Bishop recently revealed what he thinks are the best exercises for strength and power.
Bishop has a day job – as Strength and Conditioning Coach at Harlequins, one of England’s top rugby clubs.
In a video produced by one of his sponsors Mirafit, Bishop outlined some of the best exercises for strength and power that he usually has the Harlequins squad perform.
Although the exercises in the workout are geared towards making the athlete a faster and stronger rugby player, they are useful lifts for anyone serious about gaining muscle mass, strength and general fitness.
The best exercises for strength and power, according to Britain’s strongest man Adam Bishop
Box Jumps: 4 sets of 3 reps
This is a great plyometric exercise, meaning it builds explosive power. Great for adding a yard of pace, and teaches your body how to engage the muscles you use in heavy movements such as the squat.
Med Ball Push: 4 sets of 3 reps
Think of this as the box jump of the upper body. It’s another great plyometric exercise which primes your upper body muscles to function explosively. The med ball throw burns a load of calories, and will also make you stronger on the bench press.
Prowler Sprints: 4 sets of 10 metre sprints
Prowler and sled pushes build up your quads, glutes and hamstrings, without the injury risks of lifts such as the barbell squat has.

Barbell Squat: 4 sets of 3 to 5 reps
Yes, there’s an inherent injury risk with any heavy compound lift, but only if your form and technique are off. The squat is still the daddy of all lower body lifts, and a must for your leg day workout routine.
Military Press: 4 sets of 3 to 5 reps
At first glance, it just looks like a shoulder exercise. But in pressing a loaded barbell overhead, every single muscle in your body has to be firing. The shoulder involvement is only the tip of the iceberg. It arguably owes more to core / abdominal strength than any other muscle group.
If you become good at the military press, your performance on the bench press and other upper body lifts will go through the roof.
Neck Isometrics: 3 sets of 3 reps
Using a resistance band, this lift will strengthen your neck and protect it from collisions. Great if you play a contact or sport, but useful for all-round health and injury prevention purposes too.