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Fitness & Health

06th Nov 2015

Can you beat a Royal Marine at this 30 second fitness challenge to win £350 of top personal training? (Video)

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Ben Kenyon

How fit are you?

Could you beat a former Royal Marine in a 30-second fitness challenge to do the most starcrumps in half a minute?

Ex-Marine Rich McKeating has started off the challenge to see who can top his score in the Titan Force Starcrump Challenge for Teenage Cancer Trust.

You could win an online fitness consultation, nutrition plans, workout programme and fitness advice worth £350 if you get the highest number of reps in the time.

Even if you’re not in peak physical shape, you could still win if your social media game is on point – the most shares or retweets will help you win a £350 training package with Rich.

All you have to do is film your Starcrump Challenge, nominate two friends, stick it on Twitter/Facebook/YouTube or anywhere else on t’internet and get sharing. Then send us the link at with a chance to win.

The most important thing is it’s all for a good cause, you can pledge a donation at any time to the Teenage Cancer Trust by texting TRIP75 plus the amount you wish to donate to 70075.

If you miss out on winning one of the two fitness packages, you can still sign up for the Titan Force ‘Trip to Ripped’ challenge for the Teenage Cancer Trust.

It’s easy to apply – but we’re looking for JOEs aged 18-24 who want to revolutionise their physique through some hardcore training and a healthy diet.

Rich is leading the six-month body transformation challenge with 20 lucky entrants ensured a top physique through hard work, dieting and dedication – not steroids, supplements and short cuts.

The finalists will get specialised training and diet plans and raise money for the Teenage Cancer Trust along the way.

The challenge culminates in a 2017 calendar photoshoot with elite fitness photographer Christopher Bailey.

To find out more or to apply visit the website.