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Fitness & Health

22nd May 2019

Disabled army veteran breaks world record by deadlifting 505kg

Army veteran and Invictus Games athlete Martin Tye got his name in the Guinness World Record books after performing an incredible 505kg seated deadlift

Alex Roberts

A disabled army veteran got his name in the headlines by breaking a new weightlifting world record

Invictus Games athlete Martin Tye performed a successful 505 kilogram seated deadlift, which has now been recognised as a bona fide Guinness World Record.

It’s the first time in history anyone has ever performed a seated deadlift with this sort of weight. It also beats Tye’s previous best of 501kg, set at this year’s Arnold Sports Festival in March.

Tye has previously been named the World’s Strongest Disabled Man, and similarly, it took one of the world’s elite strongmen to break the conventional deadlift record too. Eddie Hall, the 2017 World’s Strongest man, deadlifted 500kg back in 2016, a then-record for the conventional deadlift.

We hit the gym with Hall last year on his return from injury.

Tye was injured in 2009, while serving with the British Army on a tour of Afghanistan. Lance Corporal Tye was guarding a truck when it was struck by a suicide bomber driving another vehicle. The impact paralysed Tye from the waist down.

Tye told Guinness World Records’ official YouTube channel that he wants to inspire others to take up sport and physical competition – whatever their difficulties.

He said: “One thing that’s came out of this is that people quite often say, ‘you’re an inspiration’. I don’t feel like an inspiration, but if I can get more people out of their seat doing sport, then I know it’s going to help them physically and mentally.”

Tye was aided by a massively supportive crowd at the event, which he says spurred him on to smash the world record.

Tye said: “The crowd helps a massive amount. They lift you up so high, especially the size that was here.”

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