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Fitness & Health

20th Dec 2018

Eddie Hall outlines his latest weight loss workout for getting ripped

Former World Strongest Man Eddie Hall has been on a serious shred for some time - and it's definitely paid off. He detailed his latest workout on Instagram

Alex Roberts

He’s won World’s Strongest Man, deadlifted 500 kilograms and inspired a whole generation of lifters

However, Eddie Hall’s most recent transformation is arguably his most impressive yet.

The Staffordshire man is looking seriously ripped after losing over 30 kilograms (just under five stone).

When Hall won World’s Strongest Man and performed his most jaw-dropping lifts, he weighed in at over 194 kilograms. More recently, his training has taken a slight detour into weight loss and the pursuit of getting shredded.

He’s been on a serious shred, but Hall is still putting up impressive numbers in the gym.

Hall has been documenting his progress along the way, regularly including the workouts he has been performing at the gym.

Eddie Hall’s Back & Abs Workout

Writing on his personal Instagram page, Hall’s latest session hit back and abs:


  • Deadlifts: 5 sets / 3 reps for speed [60 seconds rest between sets]
  • Lat pull down: 4 sets / 12 reps
  • Lat half moon: 4 sets / 12 reps
  • Machine rows: 4 sets / 10 reps
  • Dumbbell rows: 4 sets / 10 reps


  • Weighted crunches: 4 sets / 15 reps
  • Leg raises: 4 sets / 15 reps
  • Sit ups: 4 sets / 15 reps

Perform all ab exercises back to back, then rest for 60 seconds. Repeat for four rounds.

As we’ve previously discussed, Hall’s transformation is proof you don’t have to be stuck to a treadmill in order to lose weight and get ripped.

Strength training will burn an immense amount of calories and release natural testosterone and growth hormone. It therefore protects your hard-earned muscle tissue in the process.

In June 2018, I actually trained with Eddie at his home gym – Strength Asylum in Stoke-on-Trent. It’s an incredible facility equipped for all styles of training, including bodybuilding, strongman and various styles of HIIT.

At the time, he was recuperating from injury and getting back into the swing of things. He put on a shoulder session, but there were no signs the big man was taking it easy.

Hall’s max log press was over 140kg, which made my 60kg effort paled in comparison. Read more from our workout here.

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