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Fitness & Health

29th Jan 2019

Five-a-side football fuels engineer’s eight stone weight loss transformation

Allan Argent lost over 50 kilograms in an incredible weight loss transformation that owed as much to football as it did time spent at the gym

Alex Roberts

Sponsored by Goals Soccer Centres

Getting stuck in to five-a-side football helped one engineer blitz over eight stone in body weight

Allan Argent, 39, from Aintree, lost over 50 kilograms in an incredible weight loss transformation. Orignally, Argent became aware a health and fitness overhaul was needed while at work.

He said: ‘I attended a well man clinic when I worked at British Gas. It was at a team brief when we were weighed by a nurse in front of 26 other work colleagues.

‘The nurse was checking the weight of all the engineers in the team. For health and safety reasons, you had to be under 18 stone to go on the step ladders and to be in a customer’s loft if required.

‘Well, onto the scales I came out at 21.5 stone.’

Weighing up the options

The nurse put Argent’s weight in a wider context, claiming he should have been eight foot tall for his weight to have been considered healthy.

Argent says he asked the nurse ‘how am I going to grow to eight foot?’, to which she bluntly replied ‘you’ll need to lose weight’.

Argent’s employer offered an initial helping hand.

‘British Gas offered the opportunity for one hour per day to be dedicated to the gym.’

Despite the gym providing initial drive and impetus, it was five-a-side football that played the talismanic role in Argent’s weight loss transformation.

‘I started playing football at Goals Soccer Centres with my mates who had been playing there for years.’

Fuelled up by football

Eager to continue his fat-shredding progress, Argent worked his five-a-side games into a wider weight loss strategy.

‘I began to run to my local Goals from Aintree, which is about about 1.5 miles. I would play football for an hour, then run back home for a much needed soak in the bath.

‘The weight literally fell off and I got down to 13.5 stone in under a year’. 

Although looking in the mirror paints an accurate picture of fat loss progression, it was performance on the football field which proved the best barometer of success.

Argent said: ‘To my surprise, I found my old touch coming back.

‘At football, I was playing well and, instead of just running about like a lunatic, I found that other lads in the team wanted me to play again an hour later.’

Picked up by pals

Argent’s friends and fellow footballers all picked up on his improved fitness levels, wanting him as part of their squad.

‘After the 6-7pm booking, I would often be asked to play again on the 7-8pm game with my old friend from school.

‘Although I played on a Monday, I sometimes even played on Tuesday night, 7-8pm, with a different set of mates from the gym.’

Back at work, colleagues were inspired by Argent’s impressive weight loss transformation. He took it upon himself to help out.         

‘I started a five/seven-a-side team from the guys at work who had seen my weight loss transformation and wanted to get fit.

‘I personally started the football side to build team moral in work and encourage other lads to look after themselves.’

Training must be supplemented by a change in diet, and Argent’s thoughtful approach to food paid dividends.

Ditching the dodgy diet

‘I cut out fast food, bread, chips, fizzy drinks, chocolate, crisps – all the stuff we know is bad but still love.

‘I followed a sensible diet – eating clean, having porridge for breakfast and snacking on fruit throughout the day in work.’

Argent also picked up some extremely handy tips along the way.

‘I’m always looking at my next meal – not looking for it. This means I know what I’m going to be eating next during the day, planning my snacks and meals before.’ 

Argent recommends five-a-side football for anyone looking to lose weight. He also credits the helpful and supportive staff at Goals Liverpool North – particularly Andy, Nicole & Ste.

‘By playing football at Goals, the amount of running around you do is unbelievable. It’s nothing like just running outside or on a treadmill.

‘There’s no plodding along – playing football is fast-paced, with short, sharp sprints, turns, twists, chases and jumping. It’s real high intensity interval training.’

If you – or someone you know – has made an impressive transformation with a story to tell, you could be featured on JOE’s Transformation Tuesday!

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