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20th Aug 2020

James Blunt says he developed scurvy after following the Carnivore Diet

James Blunt said eating nothing but meat for two months left him with symptoms of scurvy, a condition caused by a lack of Vitamin C

Alex Roberts

He says he ate a meat-only diet for two months just to annoy his vegan friends

James Blunt has said that following the Carnivore Diet for two months left him with symptoms of scurvy. Scurvy is a condition caused by a lack of Vitamin C, with symptoms including muscle weakness, sore limbs and fatigue.

Scurvy is usually associated with malnourished sailors from centuries ago, but Blunt says he began to develop symptoms after living off nothing but chicken and minced beef for two months.

James Blunt says he became a carnivore at university to annoy vegan friends. (Photo: Getty)

Blunt said it all happened while he was an Engineering and Sociology student at the University of Bristol.

Speaking on the podcast Table Manners with Jessie Ware, the 46-year-old singer said: “On the engineering side, there were 170 men – and only three girls.

“And then on the sociology side of things, there were 170 girls and only three boys, of which all the girls were vegetarian or vegans.

“So out of principle, I decided I’d become a carnivore and just lived on mince, some chicken, maybe with some mayonnaise.”

What is the Carnivore Diet?

Essentially a meat-only diet, the Carnivore Diet is the absolute antithesis of veganism. You’re supposed to disregard all plant foods when following this diet.

Amine Ould-Laib, a registered nutritionist with Spoon Guru, previously told JOE about the risks associated with eating nothing but meat.

“Animal products are highly nutritious, delivering protein, fats, with some vitamins and minerals thrown in. But you need more.

“You could be missing out on most of your vitamins and minerals, leading to vitamin and electrolyte deficiencies. Vitamins C and E, folate, antioxidants and phytonutrients [all renowned for decreasing inflammation in the body] are not found in meat.”

Psychologist and author Jordan Peterson is one of the most famous proponents of the Carnivore Diet. (Photo: Getty)

Even though certain populations can survive on meat alone, there is more than meets the eye, Ould-Laib says.

“An example is the Inuit population, who reside in arctic conditions near the North Pole. They survive on a variety of very fatty meats.

“Their location means they need greater calories to sustain body temperature. Eating calorie dense meats goes hand-in-hand with this.

“However, many often overlook the fact these groups supplement their diet with berries and other edible plants during the summer months. They also consume a wide variety of meats, such as vitamin C-rich whale skin. This will be missing from most Carnivore diets.”