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Losing weight and improving your health in a short space of time is certainly possible with a sustainable diet plan
Just ask JOE employee, Luke Nemorin. In just three weeks, brand partnerships manager Luke lost 15 pounds – roughly seven kilograms.
He’s now feeling fitter, healthier and more productive as a result. Luke enlisted the help of Musclefood.com’s ‘Do The Unthinkable’ plan to assist with his diet and workout programme.
Do The Unthinkable: all you need to know
- All meals are delivered straight to your door and are ready in under 10 minutes
- Meals are varied – including pizzas, curries, stir fries and snacks. This is aimed to stop you becoming bored when dieting
- The plan also includes an optional workout plan to follow with access to an online PT
It’s clear the programme has paid dividends. Luke told us exactly how he’s managed to lose such an impressive amount of weight in just three weeks – without any cost to his health or wellbeing.
Luke also shared an example arms workout for you to try.
What made you realise a change was needed?
Luke: “Holiday haha. You know how it is, March is here and all of a sudden you’ve got to get beach ready. Every single year I say, I’m gonna work out through winter and not make the same mistake.
“I’ve never stuck to that and Jan comes and goes, Feb comes and goes. It’s hard to get back into it – in fairness, having the meals prepped and ready for me made it so much easier to throw myself into it. Meal prepping isn’t hard, but it is time consuming. This plan obviously makes that way!”
How difficult did you find the change?
“I don’t want to bullshit anyone, it’s hard to start. But there are a load of meals to choose from on Musclefood which is great and you need to figure out what works best for you for dinner and lunch etc.
“Another one is the 5:30am wake up time. I work 9-6pm and later most nights, my day is mental so I have to work out in the mornings – getting up is bloody hard, I never get used to it.”
How did the plan help?
“Loads, you know what, if you approach something like this with an open mind and just absorb what people are telling you, you’ll gain so much knowledge.
“I lent heavily on the starter pack from Musclefood. It gives loads of info about portions, workouts and ways to keep hunger at bay and it’s so realistic.”

What have been the highest points?
“Not having to suck my gut in haha – that was a refreshing change!
“Just seeing how quickly results came. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve still got a long way to go and I’m definitely not a fitness model, but the level of change over just three weeks has given me loads of confidence to carry on and keep at it!”
Can you share an example day’s diet from this plan?
- Breakfast: Oomf! Instant Bench Press Oats – Apple Pie
- Morning Snack: Barebells Protein Bar – Caramel Cashew
- Lunch: Oriental Chicken Pad Thai Meal
- Afternoon Snack: Sci-MX Pro2G Bakes – Salt & Balsamic Vinegar
- Dinner: Chicken Fajita Stir Fry Mix
- Evening Snack: Healthspan HiLo Bar – Chocolate Caramel
How hard it is getting in shape with a busy job and lifestyle?
“It’s hard – not gonna lie. The only way it works for me is getting up at 5:30am because my day can run away easily and I won’t have time at lunch or after work. But that’s just me.
“It works differently for different people. If you can do lunchtime, amazing. It break up your day, gives you time to eat proper pre and post workout. That would be my preference. But, I have to do early mornings. So I suck it up. Once it’s done, it’s done. I’m awake and ready to roll for the day.”
What advice would you like to share with others?
“Before you begin, you think it’s impossible. Then your body and mind get used to it and you start seeing small improvements and it becomes easy.
“My advice is stay patient and don’t expect too much of yourself. Ultimately, you have to have reasonable and realistic goals. I went into this thinking 6 lbs (2 lbs a week) lost is a major win. Then I lost 15 pounds! But going in expecting to lose a certain figure won’t help.”
Luke’s example workout
Friday is arms day for Luke, which involves super-setting biceps and triceps.
- Chin up + Tricep Dip (to failure)
- Barbell Curl + Close Grip Bench Press 3 x 8-12
- Dumbell Curl + Tricep Pushdown 3 x 8-12
- Preacher Curl + Skull Crusher 3 x 8-12
Here’s another example of a great transformation following the Do The Unthinkable plan:
You can get £10 off your first Do The Unthinkable order at Musclefood when you enter the code JOEDTU at the checkout.
If you – or someone you know – has made an impressive transformation with a story to tell, you could be featured on JOE’s Transformation Tuesday!
Just send your nominations to Alex.Roberts@JOE.co.uk