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Fitness & Health

24th Aug 2015

Physique champion Ryan Terry did this CrossFit-style fat burning circuit on Olympia prep (Video)

Old-school muscle, new-school training...

Ben Kenyon

Ryan Terry is not f**king about when it comes to training for the Olympia.

Britain’s top physique champion  is pulling out all the stops to get in shape for the World Cup of bodybuilding.

On top of his old-school bodybuilding training, cover model Ryan has added a surprising new-school element to his preparation at CrossFit Worksop.

While many of his physique competitors for bodybuilding’s biggest crown are slogging away doing their morning cardio on the treadmill, the IFBB Pittsburgh Pro winner is getting cut CrossFit-style.

Ryan shared this video and workout of his fasted cardio fat burning circuit on the road to the Olympia in Las Vegas next month. It looks pretty tasty.

Warm Up

Air Dyne bike – 5 minutes

4 rounds of

90 seconds Air Dyne

5 pull-ups

10 push-ups

15 squats (20kg)

Main workout

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of

Incline bench press

Hanging leg raises

4 lengths with 80kg sled

30m sprint

(30 second rest in between sets)

Warm down

Air Dyne bike – 5 minutes