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Fitness & Health

21st Apr 2016

This guy is claiming a 700 calorie breakfast is the key to a healthy life

Jordan Gold

Eat chocolate for breakfast and you’ll live to 1000?

Ray Kurzweil, Google’s leading Futurist and the man best known for predicting the singularity – the moment when man and machine will converge – has devised a sugar rich breakfast which he claims is the key to extreme longevity.

via Reddit /

In a recent interview with Playboy, Kurzweil suggested that, through the used of advanced technology, humans could be close to achieving eternal life by as early as 2029.

Until the new technology arrives, he suggests you follow his diet plan.

According to The FT, Ray’s breakfast includes:

  • Berries (85 calories per cup)
  • Dark chocolate infused with espresso (170 calories per 28 grams)
  • Smoked salmon and mackerel (100 calories per 85 gram serving)
  • Vanilla soy milk (100 calories per cup)
  • Stevia (0 calories)
  • Porridge (150 to 350 calories per half cup)
  • Green tea (0 calories)

68 year old Kurzweil did admit however that he also takes thousands of dollars worth of supplements and pills each day to treat everything from his “healthy eyes” to his “healthy heart” – might have more to do with that tbh.

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