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Fitness & Health

04th Apr 2016

Poor Tom Daley was asking for trouble when he invited Twitter to design his cover picture

Never ask the internet for a Photoshop favour...

Carl Anka

Tom Daley is a brave, brave man.

That’s the only explanation for the Olympic bronze medalist’s latest online venture. When Tom found himself in need of a new cover photo for his Twitter account, he thought it best to hold a small competition, asking fans to design an image for his profile.

Sure enough, Tom was soon plunged head-on into wonderfully weird world of Photoshop trickery.

Of course, this being Twitter, the suggestions for #COVERDALEY were interesting. Submissions started small…

Before quickly spiralling into some… ahem… creative endeavors.

That the competition began on April Fool’s Day made the Photoshop tinkering all the sweeter.

The creative Photoshops are set to continue well until the competition closes on Wednesday (April 6).

While Tom has learnt a quick lesson to never trust the internet to personalise something nice, he has taken all the jokes well in his stride.

By the way Tom, if you’re in the market for a new Twitter handle while you’re at it, then can we suggest…