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Fitness & Health

19th May 2016

This trainer says eating more makes you burn more fat

Eat your way to a shredded body.

Ben Kenyon

What’s the first thing you do when you want to lose weight or shed some fat?

Most people automatically just cut the amount of calories that they’re eating – it seems to make sense. The less you eat the less you weigh, right?

This might work short term – but your brain soon thinks its starving and slows down your metabolism so you preserve fat for survival and increases those hunger hormones.


That means weight loss and more importantly fat loss will slow down pretty quickly.

So here’s an interesting idea – why not eat more food and you will burn more fat?

It seems completely contradictory, but leading personal trainer and nutrition specialist Phil Learney explains exactly how it works in a brilliant Facebook post.

The bottom line he says is that if you eat more of the right food alongside training, then your weight loss is more “sustainable, just as fast, more efficient, more enjoyable and lends itself to greater fat loss long term”.

This is why…