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Fitness & Health

16th Jul 2015

This hardcore training video shows why Michael Bisping is still a UFC title contender

Don't 'Count' him out...

Ben Kenyon

“Am I the best athlete in the world? No I’m not – but I’m the hungriest fighter and no-one has the heart I have”, says Michael Bisping.

Just like Rocky in the classic boxing films, you can never truly beat a man who refuses to lie down and die.


British MMA poster boy Bisping has come so close to getting that title shot, but it continues to elude him after nearly a decade in the sport.

But judging by this training video from his adopted home California, he’s not ready to throw in the towel yet – he’s more up for the fight than ever before.

Performance coach Scott Prohaska says his work ethic, conditioning and focus is unparalleled, not just in MMA but across all sports.

Bisping’s beach training regime makes Rocky’s famous scene look like a frolic in the dunes.


He’s going 30-minutes straight with his heart rate up at 170BPM. That would be an extra round on top of a 25-minute UFC championship fight.

Kettlebells, med balls, resistance bear crawls, jumping lunges and stair runs – he doesn’t f**k about.

Now we know where his unrivalled cardiovascular endurance in the Octagon comes from.

Bisping takes on Thales Leites at UFC Fight Night Glasgow on Saturday and with this kind of conditioning under his belt, it’s going to take something pretty special to stop him.