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Fitness & Health

26th Oct 2016

This is Britain’s most fitness obsessed city according to Google

They obviously want to look their best...

Ben Kenyon

We all like to look our best.

Why else would you drag your arse out of bed on a Sunday morning to run in the pissing rain or hit the gym?

Brits are always looking for their next fitness fix that’s going to get them in shape, lose them some weight or pack on some muscle to fill that vest on holiday.

Google data complied by MaxiNutrition found the most common searched fitness terms in Britain included ‘how to lose weight fast’ and ‘how to get a six pack’.

But it’s not just the top questions British people want answering about fitness that the data shows.

It also reveals which towns and cities up and down the country have the most Google search interest in these fitness topics.

But there was one British city that featured consistently high on the top 5 of the most popular fitness searches.

Young fitness instructor assisting a man who is doing exercises with weights.

We can confirm that Newcastle Upon Tyne is the most fitness mad/body conscious (delete as appropriate) place in the country.

The Geordies were number one for the amount of weight loss-related searches. Tynesiders have also been googling bodybuilding information, with the city second highest on the list.

Novocastrians also came third in the amount of ‘diet plan’ related searches behind Belfast and Cardiff.

While Newcastle fitness fans are most interested in building muscle or losing weight, it was the Lancashire city of Preston most obsessed with six packs.

Unsurprisingly Brighton and well-heeled southern cities like London and Oxford have been found to be into googling Yoga.

entreno de remo

Here are the full results…

‘Bodybuilding’ – The cities that are most obsessed with muscle

  1. Nazeing
  2. Newcastle upon Tyne
  3. Cardiff
  4. Wolverhampton
  5. Bolton

‘Weight loss’ – the cities trying to shift the pounds

  1. Newcastle upon Tyne
  2. Liverpool
  3. Glasgow
  4. Cardiff
  5. Aberdeen

‘How to get a six pack’ – the cities that want abs the most

  1. Preston
  2. Wolverhampton
  3. Glasgow
  4. Leicester
  5. Stoke-on-Trent

‘Diet plan’ – eating well around the UK

  1. Cardiff
  2. Belfast
  3. Newcastle upon Tyne
  4. Liverpool
  5. Glasgow

‘Yoga’ – the most flexible cities

  1. Brighton
  2. London
  3. Croydon
  4. Guildford
  5. Oxford


