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Fitness & Health

17th May 2016

This new London bus scheme will let you work out as you commute

Two birds with one stone?

Ellen Tannam

Are you one of those people who has the best intentions to squeeze in an early-morning gym session before work, but when it comes down to it, prefer hitting the snooze button a few more times?

Well, this new bus service might be just the thing for you.

‘The Evening Standard’ reports that a fleet of London buses fitted with mobile spinning studios will be launched later this year, travelling across the most popular commuter routes in the capital.


The brains behind the idea are founders of boutique gym 1Rebel, who decided to try the scheme as their most over-subscribed class is a spinning session called Ride. The idea was that it would remove the biggest obstacles for Londoners who try to get a bit of gym time in.

The buses will pick up Londoners in four different locations, finishing up at the 1Rebel studio where travellers can get a smoothie and a shower before they head to work.

1Rebel are currently in talks with several bus companies to put their scheme into action.


Co-founder James Balfour said:

“It is an absolute no brainer for us that we can create more efficiency in people’s routines by transforming their commute.

“For those who want the components of a class, but perhaps don’t have the time to commit during the day, this provides a great solution for them to maximise time they would otherwise be spending just travelling to work.”

Our only worry is what could happen if the bus suddenly juddered to a halt – as London buses are wont to do. Would there be restraints in place so all the people wouldn’t end up in a sweaty mess on the floor if the driver had a sudden need to make a sharp turn?

Plus isn’t running for a bus that’s just about to pull away from the stop enough of a workout as it is?

Or, y’know, just run or cycle to work, maybe?!