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Fitness & Health

12th May 2016

This poor bloke tried The Mountain’s massive strongman diet

He didn't look like he enjoyed it...

Ben Kenyon

The Mountain from Game of Thrones is a very big man.

The man who plays the murderous behemoth, Hafthor Julius Bjornsson, is also a very big man.

Unsurprisingly he eats an absolute sh*t load of food every day to keep himself massive.

We’re not even joking. The Icelandic strongman, who is two-time Europe’s Strongest Man, can really lay the food away.

He recently revealed he eats a daily diet that consists of between six and eight protein-packed meals.

Even just thinking about eating that amount of food turns our stomach – it’s what an average British man would eat in five days.

But one Yorkshireman thought he’d have a crack at eating the Mountain’s 6,000-plus calorie daily diet…in one gut-busting sitting.

Adam Moran, who is a personal trainer and competitive eater, has already smashed deadlift world champion Eddie Hall’s 10,000-calorie diet, so this should have been a piece of p*ss right?

Wrong! He looked like he hated every minute of it…

In case you fancy an all-you-can-eat feast of a strongman champion, here’s the full menu…

Breakfast – 6 egg whites, 1 whole egg, 1 bowl of fruit, one cup of oatmeal

Morning snack – 2 granola bars, 1 bowl of fruit and a protein shake

Lunch – 2lb of fish, 1 cup of oatmeal, 1 cup of brown rice, 1 cup of vegetables, 4 slices of whole meal bread, protein shake

Afternoon snack – 2 granola bars, protein shake and bowl of fruit

Evening snack – 4 slices of whole meal bread and 3 cups of milk

Dinner – 2lb of chicken, 1 cup of oatmeal, 1 cup of brown rice, 1 cup of vegetables, cup of wholegrain pasta, protein shake