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Fitness & Health

19th Oct 2016

Watch this powerlifter squat more than 1,000lbs…raw

He needed SIX people to spot him.

Kevin Beirne

Every now and again, someone comes along and does the impossible.

With the Olympics taking place in Rio de Janeiro this year, you might have thought that you’d already seen the most impressive display of physical prowess for 2016. But you’d be wrong.

We brought you the story before of Eddie Hall’s world record-breaking 500kg deadlift that had some pretty scary results for him, and we even told you how he did it.

Hall probaby thought that he would ride out the rest of the year with the top accomplishment in weightlifting, but that might not be the case.

American Ray Johnson rocked up to the US Powerlifting Nationals over the weekend and squatted 1,005lbs.

What’s more, Johnson pulled this off raw. He had no squat suit and no wraps. He even had to walk the weights out himself after unracking them and then re-rack them for it to count.

It was just him, the weights and his ridiculous muscles.

The 456kg (or 72 stone, if you’re into that) raw squat means that Johnson has broken his own world record by 18kg – and to be honest, he looked like he was capable of potentially doing more in the future.

Weighing in at around 360lbs himself, Johnson has taken the weightlifting world by storm and there’s no reason to think he’ll stop now.

It’s no wonder he’s gathering admirers in high places.

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