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01st Sep 2021

Pub bans Stone Island and hoodies as ‘chavs and roadmen’ misbehave

Kieran Galpin

But what happens when the pub needs new punters?

People wearing sportswear, tracksuits, hoodies, and even bum bags will not be allowed into a pub in Hereford as the owner tries to stamp out unruly behaviour.

The Orange Tree, on King Street, said it would also be banning people under the age of 21 on Friday and Saturday evenings. But throughout the week, any sportswear and specifically Stone Island clad punters would also be banned from the venue.

Landlord Brian Hoyle, who only took the pub over last summer, said it was a case of younger customers being unable to handle their drink.

“The youngsters don’t know how to handle themselves in a pub,” Hoyle told the Hereford Times.

“A lot of them turned 18 during lockdown and are just misbehaving to be fair, and putting off other customers.

“There’s probably people in their 40s or 50s who wear it (sportswear), but I’m trying to make a statement. It’s those sort of young ones who are causing trouble.”

He continued: “There’s a lot of young chavs, or roadmen, with bum bags in Hereford, if you know what I mean, been frequenting the pub and they don’t know how to behave.”

Hoyle says he is doing his best to restore the pub to its previous glory. Despite a massive setback due to the implications of the pandemic, Hoyle has said he is donating 10 per cent of his profits to various local charities.

The first charity to be given a boost during the first week would be The Little Princess Trust, he said.

Hoyle said it was part of his mission to make The Orange Tree a “proper” Hereford pub again.

But, as the hospitality industry continued to find its feet post-lockdown, surely all business is good business?

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