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24th Mar 2022

British man left fighting for his life after flesh-eating bug attacks his body

Danny Jones

His sister has launched a GoFundMe page to help bring him home

A man who underwent minor surgery is now stuck in a Costa Rican hospital after contracting “gangrene of the genitals”.

Colin Graw, 47, developed an extremely rare form of the flesh-eating disease known as Fournier’s Gangrene after travelling to Costa Rica for a business opportunity and required a day-long albeit minor surgery.

After contracting gangrene of the genitals, Graw was given just a 30 per cent chance of survival having subsequently developed sepsis and undergone extensive surgical removal of the dead tissue still affecting various regions of his body.

Having spent more than nine weeks of intensive treatment and fighting for his life in a government hospital, overcoming numerous infections, Graw is now believed to be out of immediate danger but still has months of necessary recovery ahead of him.

He is currently being treated with antibiotic therapy to ensure the bacterial infection doesn’t return and is being constantly monitored by urologists, gastroenterologists and a specialist wound clinic; it is also thought he may need reconstructive surgery to make a full recovery.

Now, his older sister Tanja Willis, as well as Graw’s extended family and friends are doing their best to try and raise enough money to help her brother pay for his treatment and eventually return home.

Writing in the description of his GoFundMe page, Willis states that “his current medical cost is £80,000 but with the further medical treatment required we anticipate a total cost [of] £150,000”, adding that “without it, he will not get well or get home.”

Having lived and worked in London for 20 years before being made redundant at the start of the pandemic, the sudden illness could not have come at a worse time as Graw must now find the funds to cover the medical costs himself, not mention make it home once he is fully recovered.

The Lancashire businessman is obviously still undergoing treatment and too unwell to travel and the longer he stays, the bigger the medical bills will get.

More than £10,000 has already been raised and Graw has relayed how “overwhelmed” he is by the level of donations he has received from across the world. You can donate here.

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