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20th Apr 2022

Tory MP who lost it over female Doctor Who now demanding minister for men

Kieran Galpin

‘Men are dying so much younger than they should’

The Tory MP who once lost it over Jodie Whittaker playing Doctor Who, suggesting that it was driving young men into crime, is now demanding a minister for men.

Nick Fletcher, the Conservative MP for Don Valley, has called for a minister for men to address key areas in the “men’s health strategy.”

Speaking during PMQs earlier today (April 20), Fletcher said: “Men are dying so much younger than they should. So will the PM meet with me to discuss the merits of having a minister for men, and the benefits of a men’s health strategy?”

Boris Johnson largely agreed with Fletcher but made no mention of a specialised minister in his reply, saying: “We are determined to tackle all the health conditions he describes and cares about – particularly mental health and suicide prevention.”

According to Samaritans, there were 4,912 registered suicides in 2020, 75 per cent of which were men.

Fletcher has been an outspoken advocate of men’s issues for some time but many of his controversial opinions haven’t sat well with the British public.

For instance, the staunch supporter of International Men’s Day found himself in hot water last year over comments he made during a Westminster Hall debate on November 25 regarding an apparent lack of positive male role models.

“There seems to be a call from a tiny but very vocal minority that every male character or good role model must have a female replacement,” he said. “In recent years we have seen Doctor Who, Ghostbusters, Luke Skywalker – all replaced by women.”

Fletcher continued to suggest that “so many young men” are committing crimes due to a lack of role models and being left with the likes of Tommy Shelby from Peaky Blinders to look up to.

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