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17th Oct 2022

Internet sensation Emmanuel the Emu left fighting for his life after deadly avian flu outbreak

Charlie Herbert

The farm he lives on was struck by a ‘massive tragedy’

Internet sensation Emmanuel the Emu is fighting for his life after his farm was hit by an aggressive bout of deadly avian flu.

Emmanuel lives at Knuckle Bump Farms in south Florida and is cared for by Taylor Blake. The pair shot to fame earlier this year for their TikTok videos, which would often see the cheeky emu interrupt Blake whilst she was talking to the camera.

Taylor has racked up 2.4 million followers on TikTok thanks in no small part to Emmanuel’s antics.

Watch on TikTok

But she took to Twitter over the weekend to share the news that a “massive tragedy” had struck the farm.

In a lengthy thread detailing what had happened, the animal-lover revealed to her 896,000 followers that they had “lost every single chicken and duck” on the farm and “all of our geese” because of an avian flu outbreak.

Bird flu is a highly contagious disease that spreads among birds, and in rare cases it can affect humans.

Along with the hundreds of deaths, Emmanuel was also later struck down by the disease, with Blake “running on about four hours sleep in four days” to care for the emu.


Thankfully it seems like Emmanuel’s condition is improving. On Sunday, Taylor tweeted that the emu was able to drink water all by himself for the first time since becoming ill.

But Taylor is still hand feeding him, watering him, and watching him at all hours.

“I am hand feeding him and giving him subcutaneous fluids every two hours around the clock,” she wrote.

Hopefully it’s a full recovery for Emmanuel, and fingers crossed for the future of Taylor’s farm.

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