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20th Dec 2021

Truckers ‘boycott Colorado’ after 110 year sentence for driver who caused fatal accident

Danny Jones

More than four million people have now signed a petition calling for his freedom

Dozens of truck drivers are choosing to boycott Colorado over the sentencing of Rogel Aguilera-Mederos, the 26-year-old driver who killed four after his breaks failed during a crash in 2019.

This protest comes after millions have already signed a clemency petition to get Aguilera-Mederos’s staggering 110-year sentence, which is the standard under state law, to be overturned or at the very least reduced.

As you can see in clips like the one below, queues of trucks have now come to a standstill as they choose to avoid Colorado state and get involved in any haulage that crosses the state line until the case is once again looked at.

Naturally, the issue that most people have raised is that not only has Aguilera-Mederos been fully-compliant – having said to have passed all alcohol and drug tests, as well cooperating with law enforcement and the judges at all times – but the then-23-year-old has no previous marks on his criminal record or even his driving license.

Watch on TikTok

Moreover, people have questioned how he could possibly be given such a lengthy sentence for what was an accidental tragedy, while even “actual rapists and murderers, WHO MEANT HARM, aren’t given 110 years”.

However, as the petition itself explains, the reason the sentence still stands is that despite the vehicle being flagged for “several mechanical violations” since 2017, both he and the trucking company still chose to deploy the truck and therefore put other people at risk.

At present, his 27 charges include four counts of vehicular homicide, six counts of first-degree assault, 10 counts of attempt to commit assault in the first degree (extreme indifference), two counts of vehicular assault (reckless), one count of reckless driving, and four counts of careless driving causing death.

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