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True Crime

18th Jul 2022

Woman wakes up from coma two years after machete attack and names brother as attacker

April Curtin

Wanda Palmer was attacked at her home in West Virginia in June 2020

A woman has woken up from a coma after being attacked two years ago and now says it was her brother who did it.

Wanda Palmer was “attacked, hacked and left for dead” at her home in Cottageville, West Virginia, in June 2020, Jackson County Sherrif’s Department said. Officers tried to investigate the incident but had no leads, and feared it may never be solved.

But then Palmer regained consciousness last week and told her long-term carers that her brother, David Palmer, was responsible. Police were then called.

Speaking about the incident to MetroNews, Jackson Country Sheriff Ross Mellenger said: “When we got there, to be honest we thought she was dead.

“We had a little bit of an idea what happened, but the problem was with the nuts and bolts of the case we had nothing to go on. There was no eye witnesses, nobody lived in the home, no surveillance footage, no cell phone records. There was virtually nothing there to move forward on.”

Investigators visited Palmer at her care home this week, and despite the fact she suffered brain damage in the attack, she was able to identify her brother as the alleged attacker and explain what happened.

Mellenger said: “The keys to the whole thing lay with the victim herself and with her unable to communicate we were left with nothing. Now low and behold two years later and boom , she’s awake and able to tell us exactly what happened.”

Daniel Palmer has since been arrested and charged with attempted murder and malicious wounding. Police believe a hatchet or a machete was used in the attack.

The suspect has been questioned, but Mellenger said: “He didn’t give us any fight or anything. There was a little bit of surprise, but not entirely.”

The investigation is ongoing.

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