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12th Jul 2017

Hilariously, Mo Farah doesn’t realise who he’s standing next to in this photo

This is sooo awkward



One is the most successful British track athlete in modern Olympic Games history, gold medalist in 2012 and 2016 Olympic gold medallist in both the 5000m and 10,000m, and is the second athlete in modern Olympic Games history to successfully defend the 5000m and 10,000m titles. He also happens to be a knight of the realm.

The other is famed solo music artist with legendary status amongst his peers and prodigy, formerly part of seminal 90s Britpop band Oasis, who conquering Manchester, the UK, America and eventually the world with their brash brand of Beatles-inspired riff-laden uniquely Mancunian rock’n’roll.

Unfortunately, it seems the former wasn’t exactly sure of who precisely he was posing with when having his picture taken with the latter.

Both Sir Mo Farah and Noel Gallagher were present at U2’s mammoth concert at Twickenham Stadium, and seemed very pleased indeed to be in such esteemed company as one another. ‘Game recognise game’ as they say…

Except not in this instance, as Farah didn’t exactly recognise Noel. He did seem aware that he was shoulder to shoulder with a Gallagher brother from Oasis, but not which one. The confused athlete assumed it was Liam he was happily posing with, a mistake that probably didn’t go down with either feuding sibling…

Mo eventually realised the error of his ways and corrected his instagram post, but not before a legion of Oasis fans corrected him on the awkward error.