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20th Feb 2019

Hugh Jackman opened the Brit awards with The Greatest Show and people absolutely loved it

Hugh Jackman opened the BRIT Awards with a number from his hit film The Greatest Showman and people absolutely went absolutely made for it

Reuben Pinder


Hugh Jackman opened the BRIT Awards ceremony for 2019 with the opening number from his hit film The Greatest Showman. Whether you’ve seen the film or not – I’d recommend it if you like musicals, but it’s not exactly Casablanca – we can all agree that the song, The Greatest Show, absolutely fucking slaps.

Perfectly crafted to lift your mood, it was the perfect opening to this year’s awards ceremony and viewers both at the venue and watching at home went absolutely mad for it.

Jackman set the bar pretty high with this opening. We’ll have to wait and see whether the rest of the night can match his performance. I suspect it will not.