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10th Mar 2016

50 Cent admits to using fake money in his Instagram photos​

Jordan Gold

Get monopoly money or die trying.

Since 50 Cent declared bankruptcy in July of last year the internet has been awash with speculation that the rapper / actor / business mogul might not be as broke as he had previously suggested.

The saga has taken a new twist now that Fiddy has claimed the money featured in his Instagram snaps is fake.

Rolling Stone reports that after the case was filed Fifty gave testimony where he convinced the court that he only poses as wealthy on social media for the sake of his ‘brand’:


“I’m taking the precautions that any other good businessperson would take in this situation. You know when you’re successful and stuff, you become a target. I don’t want to be a bullseye. I don’t want anybody to pick me as the guy that they just come to with astronomical claims and go through all that.

Walt Disney has filed bankruptcy. Donald Trump has filed bankruptcy. It means you’re reorganizing your finances, but it does stop things from moving forward that you don’t want moving forward. I gotta decent legal team. You don’t have to worry.”


Appraisers have totalled 50’s assets at roughly $64m, although this stands against his own claim of $16m. He also disputes claims he owns property in Africa, something he bragged about publicly in September.

So how much money does he really have?


(Via YouTube / 50 cent / Island Records)


Hip Hop