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24th Sep 2019

Why Labour wants to abolish Eton and all private schools

The Labour party wants to 'integrate' private schools into the state sector and 'redistribute' their assets

Oli Dugmore

The Labour party wants to ‘integrate’ private schools into the state sector and ‘redistribute’ their assets

The policy was voted through at the party’s conference in Brighton and could now slot into a manifesto for the likely upcoming general election.

If that happens, and Labour win, the nationalisation of private schools would represent the most significant change to the UK’s education sector for decades.

In her speech to the main conference hall, Angela Rayner said the party would close “tax loopholes” currently afforded to private schools in its first budget. Most independent schools enjoy charitable status, limiting their tax contributions, as well as other subsidies.

Labour also wants to take those schools’ endowments and assets, like property, and use them in the state sector.

Holly Rigby is a state school teacher in Newham, one of London’s most deprived boroughs, and founder of the Abolish Eton campaign. The group successfully raised the issue’s profile at Labour conference, which was set to be consumed by Brexit, and engineered a scenario to allow its surprise victory on the floor.

She spoke to JOE about why she believes private schools are a blight on the United Kingdom.