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16th Nov 2018

Archive footage shows Theresa May lied during LBC interview

'I'm not sure I used exactly that phrase' - yes, yes you did

Oli Dugmore

‘I’m not sure I used exactly that phrase’ – yes, yes you did

Theresa May appeared on LBC on Friday morning for a phone-in with Nick Ferrari.

The Prime Minister’s PR blitz follows a tumultuous week featuring a cascade of resignations and letters of no confidence submitted to the body responsible for triggering a Tory leadership contest. She is out to sell the draft agreement for exiting the EU which is being savaged by Remainers and Leavers alike.

During the LBC show, May was quizzed by the host and callers on her draft deal to what she does to relax after a hard negotiating trip to Brussels. However, it was a question on previous remarks May made to the Police Federation that tripped up the Prime Minister.

After the Prime Minister suggested the police could be given more resources, Ferrari put to her that she had accused them in the past of “crying wolf.”

May responded: “I’m not sure I used exactly that phrase.”

Except, she did:

The side-by-side comparison is quite damning for the Prime Minister, but will pale in comparison to other troubles brewing.

Political twitter is alight with rumours that the threshold of no confidence letters necessary to trigger a leadership contest will be reached today. As mentioned above, two cabinet ministers resigned, making it a round total of eight to go in the last year.